The essence and content of the Research Forum

The Doctoral School of Business and Management (DSBM) pays particular attention to ensuring that doctoral students in the training and research phase (semesters 1-4) can complete the 120 credits required for the complex examination as smoothly as possible, while also aiming to direct doctoral students towards the preparation of the paper (research design) to be submitted as part of the complex examination.

In this spirit, the DSBM requires in the training and research phase (semesters 1-4) that the results related to the topic of the doctoral dissertation under preparation be presented and put up for feedback in at least 1 research forum during the training and research phase.

Doctoral students are required to participate in the research forum organised by their doctoral sub-programme (in cooperation with the relevant institute or department). The research forum must be conducted in such a way that, in addition to the candidate, the doctoral advisor, the sub-programme leader (in his/her absence, his/her representative), members of the professional community associated with the relevant institute or department, and doctoral students belonging to the institute are also present. It is recommended to hold the research forum during the examination period at the end of the spring semester (semester 2 of a university year). The date and location of the research forum shall be notified to the parties concerned, the institute or departmental collective shall be notified by the institute or departmental secretariat, while the doctoral student, the doctoral advisor and the sub-programme leader shall be notified by the Office of the Doctoral School.

The purpose of the research forum is to formulate the research questions of the dissertation, to outline the social and economic context of the topic, to clarify its relevance and topicality, and to present the theoretical background based on the literature (to present the current status of the research work). At least two weeks prior to the date of the research forum, the doctoral student shall submit to the Office of the Doctoral School an electronic version of the manuscript of at least 6, but no more than 10 pages in .doc and .pdf format, which has been previously agreed upon and discussed with the doctoral advisor, and in which the doctoral student summarises the knowledge that is the subject of the research forum. The doctoral student shall present this manuscript in a 10-minute presentation at the Research Forum, then answer questions from the audience and engage in the discussion.

Formal requirements for the paper to be submitted to the Research Forum:

Margins: 2.5 cm

Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt

Line spacing: at 1.5

Page numbering bottom right corner

Maximum 1 illustration per every 2 pages (photo, figure, table)

Literature used (in-text reference)

An attendance sheet must be prepared for the research forum and submitted to the Office of the Doctoral School after the event.

In 2025, the dates of the research forums:

18th June – hungarian first year students

19th June – first year international students, and students in the english language program

Deadline for application and submission of materials for the Research Forum 31 May 2025.

The material must be prepared and uploaded to moodle as described in the rules and regulations!

Application form deadline: 31 May 2025

Printed material submitting deadline: 31 May 2025